Load... was selected. Documentation: http://wiki.cns.iu.edu/display/CISHELL/Data+Formats Found old-style ISI/Web Of Knowledge file. Found old-style ISI/Web Of Knowledge file. Found old-style ISI/Web Of Knowledge file. Found old-style ISI/Web Of Knowledge file. The original 361 records have been processed to remove duplicate unique ISI IDs leaving 361 records. Wrote log to C:\DOCUME~1\dapolley\LOCALS~1\Temp\isiduplicateremoverlog9014987266493271590.txt Loaded: C:\Documents and Settings\dapolley\Desktop\sci2-N-\sampledata\scientometrics\isi\FourNetSciResearchers.isi .......... Lowercase, Tokenize, Stem, and Stopword Text was selected. Implementer(s): Apache Lucene project Integrator(s): Russell Duhon Documentation: http://wiki.cns.iu.edu/display/CISHELL/Lowercase%2C+Tokenize%2C+Stem%2C+and+Stopword+Text Input Parameters: Cite Me As: false Funding Agency and Grant Number: false Researcher ID: false Original Keywords: false Language: false Publisher Address: false Journal Name (Abbreviated ISO): false Journal Title (Full): false Volume: false File Name: false New Article Number: false Abstract: true New ISI Keywords: false Cited References: false Publisher Web Address: false Beginning Page: false Conference Title: false Conference Location: false Title: false Part Number: false Research Field: false Research Addresses: false Cited Patent: false DOI: false Conference Sponsors: false Funding Text: false Book Series Subtitle: false Ending Page: false Supplement: false Book Series Title: false Authors: false Subject Category: false Document Type: false ISBN: false Conference Dates: false Issue: false Publication Date: false Editors: false Stopword List: C:/Documents and Settings/dapolley/Desktop/sci2-N- Journal Name (Abbreviated): false Publication Type: false E-mail Addresses: false Conference Host: false Publisher: false ISI Document Delivery Number: false Special Issue: false File Type: false Version Number: false Reprint Address: false Unique ID: false City of Publisher: false Authors (Full Names): false ISSN: false New Separator: | .......... Extract Word Co-Occurrence Network was selected. Implementer(s): Micah Linnemeier Integrator(s): Micah Linnemeier Documentation: http://wiki.cns.iu.edu/display/CISHELL/Extract+Word+Co-Occurrence+Network Input Parameters: Text Delimiter: | Aggregate Function File: C:/Documents and Settings/dapolley/Desktop/sci2-N- New ISI Keywords: false Book Series Subtitle: false Abstract: true Title: false Book Series Title: false Conference Title: false Node Identifier Column: Cite Me As Original Keywords: false Journal Title (Full): false Class: edu.iu.nwb.analysis.extractdirectednetfromtable.extractdirectednetwork.ExtractDirectedNetworkAlgorithmFactory .......... Network Analysis Toolkit (NAT) was selected. Implementer(s): Timothy Kelley Integrator(s): Timothy Kelley Reference: Robert Sedgewick. Algorithms in Java, Third Edition, Part 5 - Graph Algorithms. Addison-Wesley, 2002. ISBN 0-201-31663-3. Section 19.8, pp.205 Documentation: http://wiki.cns.iu.edu/display/CISHELL/Network+Analysis+Toolkit+%28NAT%29 This graph claims to be undirected. Nodes: 2821 Isolated nodes: 354 Node attributes present: label, localcitationcount, inoriginaldataset, globalcitationcount, references Edges: 242385 No self loops were discovered. No parallel edges were discovered. Edge attributes: Did not detect any nonnumeric attributes. Numeric attributes: min max mean weight 1 68 1.55041 This network seems to be valued. Average degree: 171.8433 This graph is not weakly connected. There are 355 weakly connected components. (354 isolates) The largest connected component consists of 2467 nodes. Did not calculate strong connectedness because this graph was not directed. Density (disregarding weights): 0.0609 Additional Densities by Numeric Attribute .......... Delete Isolates was selected. Implementer(s): Patrick Phillips Integrator(s): Patrick Phillips Documentation: http://wiki.cns.iu.edu/display/CISHELL/Delete+Isolates Removed 354 isolate nodes. .......... DrL (VxOrd) was selected. Author(s): S. Martin, W. M. Brown, K. Boyack Implementer(s): S. Martin, W. M. Brown, K. Boyack Integrator(s): Bruce Herr Reference: S. Martin, W. M. Brown, K. Boyack, "Dr. L: Distributed Recursive (Graph) Layout," in prepartion for Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications. (http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/davidson01cluster.html) Documentation: http://wiki.cns.iu.edu/display/CISHELL/DrL++%28VxOrd%29 Input Parameters: Edge Cutting Strength: 0.0 New X-Position Attribute Name: xpos Edge Weight Attribute: weight Do not cut edges: false New Y-Position Attribute Name: ypos C:\DOCUME~1\dapolley\LOCALS~1\Temp\CIShell-Session-4630550740973846496\StaticExecutableRunner-8098495272025642974\vxord>set EDGE_CUTS=0.0 C:\DOCUME~1\dapolley\LOCALS~1\Temp\CIShell-Session-4630550740973846496\StaticExecutableRunner-8098495272025642974\vxord>set IN_FILE=C:\DOCUME~1\dapolley\LOCALS~1\Temp\temp\temporarySIMFile8339358885162014486.int C:\DOCUME~1\dapolley\LOCALS~1\Temp\CIShell-Session-4630550740973846496\StaticExecutableRunner-8098495272025642974\vxord>copy C:\DOCUME~1\dapolley\LOCALS~1\Temp\temp\temporarySIMFile8339358885162014486.int inFile.int 1 file(s) copied. C:\DOCUME~1\dapolley\LOCALS~1\Temp\CIShell-Session-4630550740973846496\StaticExecutableRunner-8098495272025642974\vxord>layout.exe -c 0.0 inFile Using inFile.int for .int file, and inFile.icoord for .icoord file. Using random seed = 0 edge_cutting = 0 intermediate output = 0 output .iedges file = 0 Proc. 0 scanning .int file ... Processor 0 reading .int file ... Entering liquid stage ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... Liquid stage completed in 29 seconds, total energy = 1.02314e+010. Entering expansion stage ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... Finished expansion stage in 28 seconds, total energy = 3.48259e+008. Entering cool-down stage ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... Completed cool-down stage in 27 seconds, total energy = 1.20195e+010. Entering crunch stage ..................................................... Finished crunch stage in 7 seconds, total energy = 1.22184e+010. Entering simmer stage ....................................................................................................... Finished simmer stage in 18 seconds, total energy = 48.9391. Layout calculation completed in 109 seconds (not including I/O). Writing out solution to inFile.icoord ... Total Energy: 48.7541. Program terminated successfully. .......... Extract Top Edges was selected. Author(s): Thomas G. Smith Implementer(s): Thomas G. Smith Integrator(s): Thomas G. Smith Documentation: http://wiki.cns.iu.edu/display/CISHELL/Extract+Top+Edges Input Parameters: Numeric Attribute: weight Extract bottom edges instead?: false Extract N top edges: 1000 .......... GUESS was selected. Author(s): Eytan Adar Implementer(s): Eytan Adar (GUESS), Russell Duhon (resizeLinear, colorize fix) Integrator(s): Russell Duhon Reference: Adar, Eytan, "GUESS: A Language and Interface for Graph Exploration," CHI 2006 (http://graphexploration.cond.org/) Documentation: http://wiki.cns.iu.edu/display/CISHELL/GUESS ECHO is off. Starting GUESS... ECHO is off. The initial layout for your visualization is random. For a clearer visualization, please run a layout from the Layout menu. (We recommend GEM.) ECHO is off. GUESS log file for this session can be found in C:\DOCUME~1\dapolley\LOCALS~1\Temp\CIShell-Session-4630550740973846496\StaticExecutableRunner-5291617613678101364\ALGORITHM\guesslog.txt