This release is built with CIShell 2.0 framework. It includes support for Mac OS X Cocoa platform, and new features such as new visualizations, Google Scholar Citation reader, R bridging, Gephi bridging, and many more. See the change log below for full details
The database plugin at 3.2 Additional Plugins is not compatible with this version. A new database plugin will be available soon. Please follow us at
Download an offline copy of Sci2 v1.0 alpha manual (44 MB) (Updated July 16, 2012)
- edu.iu.sci2.visualization.scimaps_0.1.0.jar
- edu.iu.sci2.visualization.temporalbargraph_0.0.10.jar is a fix for Sci2-1036 bug - Temporal Bar Graph does not work with European dates.
Tool Change Log
New Features
- Support Mac OS X Cocoa frameworks platform
- Temporal Bar Graph visualization replaced Horizontal bar graph visualization
- Map of Science visualization via Journals and Map of Science visualization via 554 Fields
- Bipartite Network visualization
- Geospatial visualizations with new map layout
- Reader for Google Scholar Citations Web data
- Added support for exporting from Sci2 to Gephi.
- New Gephi workflow to design network overlays on geomaps (requires that Gephi is pre-installed)
- R bridge that supports starting R and send/get a data table to/from R (requires that R is pre-installed)
- Writer for PDF, PNG, JPEG data format using Ghostscript (requires that Ghostscript is pre-installed)
- Novel CIShell 2.0 framework
- Support overflow and underflow check for aggregate functions
- Unified output attribute names for network algorithms
- Unified visualization parameters and console print out
- Standardized visualization Postscript layout with How to Read text, legends and title
- Reposition map for Geographical Network Algorithm
- Improved Error message handling for Geographical Network algorithm
- Updated online tutorial to explain Author Ages issue
- Updated online tutorial regarding ISI total time cited default -1 value
- Improved bipartite network edges drawing
- Improved bipartite sorting for numerical numbers that are string type
- Updated developer list
- Improved bipartite sorting for numerical numbers that are string type
- Updated new color schema for all visualizations to follow color blind standard
- Updated UCSD map of science with 10 years of ISI and Scopus journal mapping, discipline colors, and added unclassified journal listing.
- Added download utility to standardize network handling for algorithms that use internet service
- Moved R working directory into system temporary directory
- Updated FreeHEP (a Java2D object to PostScript conversion library) to 2.1.1
- Updated Geolibs (an open source Java GIS toolkit) to 2.7.4
- Updated Menu items
- Update menu item order and structure
- Rename Circle Geographical Map to Proportional Symbol Map
- Rename Region Geographical Map to Choropleth Map
- Rename Yahoo Geocoder name to Yahoo! Geocoder
- Rename K-Nearest Neighbor (java) to K-Nearest Neighbor
Bug fixes
- Fixed overflow issue of dropdown box in GUESS
- Fixed missing model.jpg issue
- Fixed menu path for all algorithms
- Fixed NULL pointer exception on Aggregate function
- Fixed Proportional Symbol Map failure to handle float value
- Fixed Proportional Symbol Map Null Pointers issue
- Fixed weighted PageRank failure to handle weight error
- Fixed duplicate items of GUESS dropdown box
- Removed the misleading author name normalization message from ISI file load algorithm