Now, you can save and rerun existing workflow, even share the workflow with others. The v1.1 Beta release come with workflow tracker, Bing geocoder, large network clustering algorithms, Facebook Friends Reader, Twitter Reader, and etc. It also included major improvement such as standardize CSV parser behavior with MS Excel.
The database plugin at 3.2 Additional Plugins is not compatible with this version. A new database plugin will be available soon. Please follow us at
Download an offline copy of Sci2 v1.1 beta manual (57 MB) (Updated December 4, 2013)
Tool Change Log
New Features
- Workflow Tracker that supports saving, running, and editing analysis workflow.
- Bing Geocoder (replacement for Yahoo! geocoder)
- New VOS large network clustering algorithms: SLM Community Detection, Louvain Community Detection, Louvain Multilevel Refinement Community Detection
- Reader for Facebook Web data
- Reader for Twitter stream
- Reader for Flickr data
- Add sample data GeoffreyFox.csv
- Reconciled Journal Names plugin
- Support converting CSV file to Sci2 publication schema which will allow users to use preprocessing algorithms for publication data from different sources.
- Support Extract Paper Citation Network for Scopus data
- Support P2 repository for light-weight Sci2 development
- Updated Congressional District Geocoder to 113th Congress.
- Standardized Sci2 CSV parser to match MS Excel and MySQL behavior
- Removed eclipse.exe and artifacts.xml files
- Removed Google Citation bibtex plugin since it is blocked by Google
- Updated welcome text with new Information and library Science Department name and new developers
- Support Extract Paper Citation Network for Scopus data
- Using https for Google Map API URL
- Support semicolon input for parameter field
- Improve logging behavior on OSGI console and Sci2 log panel
Bug fixes
- Fixed documentation links for existing plugins
- Fixed GUESS fail to startup due to attributes with same names
- Fixed ISI file fail to load due to contains semi-colon and newline characters
- Fixed Extract Document Co-Citation Network that generates duplicate nodes