Documents Table
The documents table holds the information that describes a document like the title and abstract.Columns
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
PK | integer | Primary key | |
abstract | varchar | Abstract of the document | |
document_number | varchar | Article number for new APS journals | |
beginning_page | integer | First page of the document | |
cited_citation_count | integer | Number of references cited by the document | |
digital_object_identifier | varchar | DOI of the document | |
isi_type | varchar | Type of document | |
volume | varchar | Volume number of the document | |
ending_page | integer | Last page of the document | |
first_author_id | integer | PK of the first author from the people table | |
funding_agency_and_grant_number | varchar | Funding information | |
funding_text | varchar | Raw text with funding information | |
isbn | varchar | ISBN of the document | |
isi_document_delivery_number | varchar | ISI document delivery number | |
isi_unique_article_identifier | varchar | ISI unique article identifier | |
issue | varchar | Issue | |
language | varchar | Language | |
page_count | integer | Number of pages | |
part_number | varchar | Part number | |
publication_date | varchar | Date of publication | |
publication_year | integer | Year of publication | |
source_id | integer | PK of the source | |
special_issue | varchar | Denotes a special issue | |
subject_category | varchar | List of related categories | |
supplement | varchar | Name of the supplement where published | |
times_cited | integer | Number of times cited | |
title | varchar | Title | |
cite_as | varchar | Preferred citation string |
For implementation details or more complete documentation, please see the source.
See Also
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