This table contains specific information related to Principal Investigators (PIs) & Co-PIs. Additionally it is also contains relationship information that it shares with "PERSON" and "AWARD". Each record in this table also describes a "Person was the PI(or Co-PI) of Award" relationship.
As mentioned, information related to both PIs & Co-PIs is captured in this table. Although there is more information available for PIs like email address and state. A boolean field is used to differentiate between the current element being a PI or a Co-PI.
This table contains the following fields:
- _I_AWARD_FK_: The foreign key into the AWARD table.
- _I_PERSON_FK_: The foreign key into the PERSON table.
- EMAIL_ADDRESS: The exact string as found in the "PI Email Address" field. This is left blank for when the current element is a Co-PI.
- STATE: The exact string as found in the "State" field. This is left blank for when the current element is a Co-PI.
- IS_MAIN_PI: This is a boolean which is set to "TRUE" when the current element is a PI and "FALSE" otherwise. See AWARD and PERSON (NSF) for further reference.