This table contains originating ISI file metadata, some of which is specified in the originating ISI file and some of which is not. This table may be useful for things like determining which ISI datasets documents occurred in if/when multiple separate ISI files being loaded/merged into one database is supported. Currently, however, multiple separate ISI files being loaded/merged into one database is not supported.
Note: The name ISI_FILES breaks the naming scheme established throughout the rest of the ISI schema. This is a mistake that will likely be fixed in the (hopefully) near future.
This table contains the following fields:
- PK: Automatically generated.
- FILE_FORMAT_VERSION_NUMBER: The exact string as found in the "VR" field.
- FILE_NAME: Generated based on the ISI dataset the user chose in the Data Manager from within the tool.
- FILE_TYPE: The exact string as found in the "FN" field.
Every combination of all the fields in this table guarantees uniqueness.
See DOCUMENT_OCCURRENCES for additional details.