This table contains originating NSF file metadata. This table may be useful for things like determining which NSF datasets awards occurred in if/when multiple separate NSF files being loaded/merged into one database is supported. Currently, however, multiple separate NSF files being loaded/merged into one database is not supported.
This table contains the following fields:
- PK: Automatically generated. Guarantees uniqueness.
- FILE_MD5_CHECKSUM: This is the value of the MD5 checksum of the entire NSF file selected for loading.
- FILE_NAME: Generated based on the NSF dataset the user chose in the Data Manager from within the tool.
- FILE_TYPE: Currently we have hard coded this value to be "NSF File". We had tried an automatic file type detection method earlier but it was a slow process and did not work properly on all the platforms.
Every combination of all the fields in this table guarantees uniqueness.
See AWARD_OCCURRENCES for additional details.