This table contains the abbreviated names and full names of people, both in unsplit and split forms. People can be parsed out of:
- the "AU"/"AF" ISI fields as Authors.
- References as Authors.
- the "ED" ISI field as Editors.
This table contains the following fields:
- PK: Automatically generated. Guarantees uniqueness.
- ADDITIONAL_NAME: Also known as "middle name." Is only parsed out of the "AF" field.
- FAMILY_NAME: Also known as "last name." Hypothetically, could be parsed of the "AF" field, but is only parsed and used out of the "AU" and "ED" fields.
- FIRST_INITIAL: Can be parsed out of the "AU" and "ED" fields.
- FULL_NAME: The exact (unsplit/unparsed) string as found in the "AF" field.
- MIDDLE_INITIAL: Can be parsed out of the "AU" and "ED" fields.
- PERSONAL_NAME: Also known as "first name." Is only parsed out of the "AF" field.
- UNSPLIT_NAME: Not totally the exact (unsplit/unparsed) string as found in the "AU"/"ED" fields. The values in this field will always contain the same information as the strings found in the original ISI dataset, but the versions in this field are converted to a canonical form.
People are never merged during loading. Automatic People merging can be done via the Merge Identical ISI People algorithm, and merge suggestions (i.e. a merge table) can be generated via the Suggest ISI People Merges algorithm.
The abbreviated name fields in the PERSON table (FAMILY_NAME, FIRST_INITIAL, MIDDLE_INITIAL, and UNSPLIT_NAME) are parsed from the "AU" field. This article describes how the "AU" field is parsed. Note: Even when the "AF" field is supplied, the FAMILY_NAME is parsed out of the "AU" field.
The full name fields in the PERSON table (ADDITIONAL_NAME, FULL_NAME, and PERSONAL_NAME) are parsed from the "AF" field. This article describes how the "AF" field is parsed.
Also see AUTHORS, DOCUMENT, EDITORS, REFERENCE, How Abbreviated Names are Parsed, and How Full Names are Parsed for additional information.