This table contains data directly pertaining to awards. It includes all fields relevant for all possible (known) types of awards in NSF file.
All "arbitrary" fields found in the original NSF dataset are also appended to this table, as this table is somewhat central to the database schema.
In addition to "arbitrary" fields, this table contains the following fields:
- PK: Automatically generated. Guarantees uniqueness.
- ABSTRACT_TEXT: The exact string as found in the "Abstract" field.
- AWARD_NUMBER: The exact string as found in the "Award Number" field.
- RAW_START_DATE: The exact string as found in the "Start Date" field.
- AWARD_START_DATE: The contents of the "Start Date" field parsed as a java date object.
- RAW_EXPIRATION_DATE: The exact string as found in the "Expiration Date" field.
- EXPIRATION_DATE: The contents of the "Expiration Date" field parsed as a java date object.
- RAW_LAST_AMENDMENT_DATE: The exact string as found in the "Last Amendment Date" field.
- LAST_AMENDMENT_DATE: The contents of the "Last Amendment Date" field parsed as a java date object.
- RAW_AWARDED_AMOUNT_TO_DATE: The exact string as found in the "Awarded Amount to Date" field.
- AWARDED_AMOUNT_TO_DATE: The contents of the "Awarded Amount to Date" field parsed as a double.
- AWARD_INSTRUMENT: The exact string as found in the "Award Instrument" field.
- NSF_ORGANIZATION: The exact string as found in the "NSF Organization" field.
- AWARD_INSTRUMENT: The exact string as found in the "Award Instrument" field.
The parsing of "Award" element is the first step when a new NSF row is encountered. It's primary key is used as a foreign key in other relationship tables like INVESTIGATORS, PROGRAM_MANAGERS, AWARD_FIELD_OF_APPLICATIONS, PROGRAM_NAME_AND_ELEMENT_CODES and PROGRAM_REFERENCE_CODES.